What is your source of stress?

I have studied stress management, various holistic therapies and have a degree in psychology.  I have also worked with individuals and groups over many years, in different environments.  

I understand that the experience of stress is personal and a unique experience for everyone. 

Although we have seen some mindfulness trends in the west (which don't suit everyone) and there is an evolving awareness of the importance of mental wellbeing - the rates of anxiety and diagnosis of mental health conditions continues to rise (although these may reflect increased diagnoses, and greater awareness)

No one remedy fits all.

 What stresses one person out, can be another person's source of enjoyment.

On this page, I will be signposting some resources for those experiencing different types of stress

NHS website: https://www.nhs.uk/every-mind-matters/mental-health-issues/stress/


Stress UK

Anxiety UK

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